
I am Samuli. I like building different types of software. Currently, I am focused on full stack web development, but I have occasionally also ventured into game development and reverse engineering. In 2020, I graduated with an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki. I wrote my master's thesis about different anti-cheat solutions for video games, and in my bachelor's thesis, I explored malware reverse engineering methodologies. I am currently working as a Senior Full Stack Developer for Agoda, based in Bangkok, Thailand. As of late, I work mostly with React and Node.js, with a strong focus on frontend, design systems, and accessibility-related topics. In my day-to-day work, I also collaborate a lot with designers.

My interest in software development started at an early age, as I spent most of my free time playing different types of games. Massively multiplayer online games such as Runescape and World of Warcraft quickly piqued my interest due to their large-scale online worlds.

My friends and I liked to play around on our local World of Warcraft private server, which prompted me to learn C++ so I could build and improve things such as NPC scripts. This was my first foray into software development. Later on, my interest expanded to different areas such as web development.

Besides programming, my interests include biology, more specifically genetics and epigenetics, and their relationship to different diseases. I am also interested in learning new languages and have spent time in China learning Chinese. The Canton region of China holds a special place in my heart, and I spent a year as an exchange student at HKU. Lately, I have been trying to learn Thai.